GLITZY BABYLON is locked in a shack out in the middle of the desert. A low-slung but menacing hill is nearby and visible from her window, which quite possibly hides cannibals on the other side. At first she was alarmed by this outrageous threat, but time has passed, and now she just wishes they’d come on around just to break the monotony; and also because she’d (hopefully) finally get out of this bloody shack.
You can catch my random chatter about writing on twitter. I have a locked personal account for screaming about video games, hockey, etc, so you’ll be spared the worst of it at least.
My genres are very obvious but the themes probably need a bit more elaboration: I like to explore self-determination after not having any to speak of. Found Families where yes there’s conflict but no punishment for disagreeing with the Authority Figure. Elder Gods being bored and horrible but finding something to like about humanity even if it’s just a particular mix of slurpie from a food cart.
I write nonchalant gore regardless of genre, but I don’t enjoy character death or unhappy endings. Everyone is queer unless stated otherwise, and I get explicit in flirting and relationship development instead of using subtlety. My leads, be they men or women, genuinely like each other when I write them.
Basically I write what I want to read. It’s all terribly exposing and probably why I’ve taken so long to get the courage to launch a genuine self-publishing career, but needs must and the time is now, to be super cliche about it.
Mondo Trasho gives his raging endorsement for the nonchalant gore, but only for rawhides and snugs.