Chapter 2 of Frantic Showstoppers
Tag: novel
longer word works
Frantic Showstoppers pt1 ch1
For the current blurb/promo of this work, read this post on patreon. I’m not copypasting that massive thing here lol.… Read more Frantic Showstoppers pt1 ch1
locusts the size of cars!
LOCUSTS THE SIZE OF CARS! giant bugs! shenanigans and romance! a giant pet beetle? must be a gory MM romcom by Glitzy Babylon!
superannuated (the city #1)
Superannuated – $4.99 – A superhero ensemble horror comedy by Glitzy Babylon
lightspeed to love
making romantic connections in SPAAAAAAAACE~! Falco is a cargo hauler on the hunt for information that will lead him to… Read more lightspeed to love