Superannuated is an ensemble horror comedy about insured heroes, uninsured vigilantes, and accidental time-splitting third party scientists all slamming up against each other inside a City in the process of crumbling.
In one corner you have your Heroes, your Villains. Propped up by vast networks of insurance companies, these diametrically opposed groups schedule bank heists and sometimes play darts to randomly decide who fights who on any given incident. Insurance will cover any fallout, pay the medical bills of the collateral civilian damage, so why not take spontaneity out of it and just make an appointment instead? In the case of Cuvier (the heroic IGUANODON) and Hilaire (CARNIVORA, a very dapper villainous cat indeed), they’re just childhood friends who ended up on opposite sides and who harass each other both in and out of costume.
In another corner are the Vigilantes, otherwise known as the Uninsured. They have do-good in their blood and a fiery need to dispense justice in their hearts. How unfortunate that none of the people they help want them around, since whatever gets broken won’t be financially covered and leave the victims worse off than before. That doesn’t stop Fred and Lola and the rest of them; they’re going to save people or die trying!
Our final corner focus is on the Third Party Scientists, a certain Open and Feyn to be exact. They’re employed by the local city university and they don’t perform proper safety procedures when running experiments on artificial wormholes. That’ll get your atoms scrambled and make you uncontrollably teleport places! And it’ll hurt! A lot! Somehow they’ll figure out how to fix themselves, or maybe they won’t, but at least they’ll get to see the City a little while they figure it out.
This is a queer horror comedy about the commodification of the superhero complex and how it affects different groups of people while they fight off magma wombats, a chimera parrot thing in a flooded basement, and severe brain damage after being taken out by a fake lead-filled copy of the Thinker sculpture. Violence, corpses filling huge pits, and a bear wearing a fez await you in The City Book One: Superannuated!